Visual art - Street art in Berlin
The Graffiti Mecca Berlin
Both big and small graffiti is everywhere, everything is a canvas! Graffiti is not just street art, it is also typography. Many street artists make their own typography and with it so many new are born. When it all comes together, the letters, shadows, details reveal an art piece that beholds also a strong feeling from the artist. Graffiti is a space and culture where your street is the canvas and you have the power to make your signature style and no rules are to follow, except that it is still illegal in Berlin...
In Berlin street art is very important to the culture. Many people use graffiti and street art to send out a message to the people, and what better place than on the street? It all started that way when the wall was up. On the West side, people from America and other immigrants started to write their thoughts and beliefs on the wall. It is said the french artist Thierry Noir was the first to paint on the wall. The West side of the wall became a spot for artists to come and express themselves. After the wall fell the two sides merged and graffiti and street art spread all over Berlin.
Please enjoy a visual art tribute to all street art in Berlin hereunder.